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Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Kenny Rogers Quarter Meal Buy 1 Free 1

Yeah , you heard me right . But here's the catch, wear anything RED (dress / shoes / accessories / LIPSTICK perhaps?) and go to their outlet tomorrow, 9TH JANUARY 2013.

Click for outlets  Kenny Rogers Roasters Outlets

So, esok ramailah yang kemerah-merahan, nak grab this deal punya pasal!. ENJOY!

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Assalamualaikum 2013 ...

Alhamdulillah, masih bernafas & bernyawa di bumi ini .
So, secara kebanyakannya, setiap kali tahun baru, mesti masing2 pon dok pong pang pong pang laa dengan AZAM tahun baru kan?  But for me, it's more of a wishlist in 2013 .


  • GAJI : Yes, sekarang ni, mmg saya masih berkerja, di tempat lama . Gaji juga masih di takuk lama. Semoga di tahun baru ini, company akan bagi salary increment. Aminnnn. 
  • KERJA :  Oh ya, this job never really my fav thou.,. Kalau dimurahkan rezki, mahu saja melompat ke company lain. 
  • BACKPACKING TRIP: This is my all time favorite! And now sedang merancang itinerary, and mengumpul budget, and carik geng. Maklumlaa, sengsorg takut cuak plak kan?
  • LOSE SOME WEIGHT, AGAIN : so, u see the again. Yes u're right, it's the resolution as in last year, and last 2 years, and last 3 years, and like forever. What makes this year's differ than the previous? ade target. In 3 months from now, i want to lose like 5 kgs min! Let's do this!
  • HEALTHY LIFESTYLE : well. , nak target 30mins/day, 3 x per week at least! Can i do this? Can I? Can I? 
  • OWN A HOUSE.: Keep on praying!. 
That's pretty much about it. Happy 2013 people!

Sunday, 8 July 2012


Threading ni one of the method untuk remove / buang bulu-bulu halus lat muka, tapi ini bukan permanent yer!. This method menggunakan benang and tarik the hairy thingy out from our face. Dan this threading thing is way more efficient daripada waxing or shaving sbb dia akan tarik bebulus from the root. So basically, bulu-bulu halus ni akan tumbuh semula but in a smoother and slower than shaving/waxing.

Bercakap tentang threading, Bangsar memang tempat yang popular. As for me, I went to this saloon located somewhere near Bangsar Village. This kedai dekat luar Bangsar Village (pintu yang dekat dgn Hong Leong Bank) . I did upperlips for RM 5 and eyebrow for RM5. Plus parking RM0.60/hour (ni parking luar laa). hehehe .. Murah kan? And plus, this lady who did mine sgt best and nampak pro. Ade laa keluar airmata sikit, but overall, tiptop! puas ati.. :)

So, complete available service and price seperti di bawah. Cheers!

Monday, 2 July 2012

NOSE Warehouse Sale.11th - 14th July 2012

Especially for le ladies. Mark your calendar. NOSE Warehouse Sale is coming to town!
It's from 11th to 14th of July with up to 90% discounts on selected items.

If you're looking for cheap Raya shoes or bags, start saving and bargain on the sales day!

Source : Shopping N Sales.


EURO is finally over. Gotta hafta wait until the next 4 years .Felicidades Espanol!
For those who missed the match, FT ESP 4 - 0 ITA

Euro 2012: those who said Spain are boring don't understand football, says jubilant Cesc Fabregas