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Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Kenny Rogers Quarter Meal Buy 1 Free 1

Yeah , you heard me right . But here's the catch, wear anything RED (dress / shoes / accessories / LIPSTICK perhaps?) and go to their outlet tomorrow, 9TH JANUARY 2013.

Click for outlets  Kenny Rogers Roasters Outlets

So, esok ramailah yang kemerah-merahan, nak grab this deal punya pasal!. ENJOY!

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Assalamualaikum 2013 ...

Alhamdulillah, masih bernafas & bernyawa di bumi ini .
So, secara kebanyakannya, setiap kali tahun baru, mesti masing2 pon dok pong pang pong pang laa dengan AZAM tahun baru kan?  But for me, it's more of a wishlist in 2013 .


  • GAJI : Yes, sekarang ni, mmg saya masih berkerja, di tempat lama . Gaji juga masih di takuk lama. Semoga di tahun baru ini, company akan bagi salary increment. Aminnnn. 
  • KERJA :  Oh ya, this job never really my fav thou.,. Kalau dimurahkan rezki, mahu saja melompat ke company lain. 
  • BACKPACKING TRIP: This is my all time favorite! And now sedang merancang itinerary, and mengumpul budget, and carik geng. Maklumlaa, sengsorg takut cuak plak kan?
  • LOSE SOME WEIGHT, AGAIN : so, u see the again. Yes u're right, it's the resolution as in last year, and last 2 years, and last 3 years, and like forever. What makes this year's differ than the previous? ade target. In 3 months from now, i want to lose like 5 kgs min! Let's do this!
  • HEALTHY LIFESTYLE : well. , nak target 30mins/day, 3 x per week at least! Can i do this? Can I? Can I? 
  • OWN A HOUSE.: Keep on praying!. 
That's pretty much about it. Happy 2013 people!